
The Needak Rebounder Review (R02 Soft and R03 Hard Bounce)

Getting the right rebounder for you takes a little research. You need to know what is on the market and how each rebounder measures up to the competition. In today’s article it is the Needak rebounder review which focuses on both the hard and soft bounce models.

Needak Rebounder Benefits You Need to Know

It goes without saying that rebounding is good for your health. Here are the health benefits that Needak brings to your life:

  • Tones your muscles
  • Helps your heart and helps your lungs
  • ​Increases your blood circulation
  • ​Boosts your metabolism
  • ​Easy on your joints
  • Folding legs

It also comes with a limited lifetime warranty which you should check out before you make your purchase.

Your Bounce is in The Needak Springs

The credit for the hard or soft bounce you get in a Needak rebounder is due to the springs. These springs are specially designed to fit your needs. You can get these springs in packs of 6 or 36. It is up to you to decide how many you need.


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The soft bounce springs are rated to last for roughly 1,000,000 bounces. Due to the design it may be possible to mix the springs, but ask the company first before trying to do that.

There is a Needak Rebounder Weight Limit

Both the hard and soft bounce rebounders come with a very middle of the road weight limit. Each one can handle 300 or 600 pounds of weight without any trouble. It depends on the model you buy.

The Needak Accessories

Like any rebounding manufacturer Needak makes an assortment of accessories to enhance your workouts. Here are two of them to get you started:

  1. The Needak stabilizing bar- once you attach it, gives you extra stability and support. You can build confidence in yourself while gripping the stabilizing bar with your hands. Plus, for easy storage, you can take it apart in 4 places. The stabilizing bar adjusts from 29 inches in height to 34 inches and reaches a top height of 41”. Another good feature is that it flexes as you move.

  1. The Needak rebounder cover- it comes in a variety of colors and should have a universal Needak fit. It works for both the fold and non-fold models. The cover will come within 1/2” of the bounce zone while completely covering the springs. It fits on the 6 leg, 40” rebounders with ease.

Comparing the Needak Rebounder Soft Bounce vs Hard Bounce

Both models, whether they fold or not, are 40 inches in diameter, reach 10 inches high and have 6 legs. The main difference is that the hard bounce absorbs more of your impact, not letting you touch the floor when you land. It is also good for more difficult exercises.


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While the hard bounce rebounder can handle 600 pounds of weight, the soft bounce is rated for 300 pounds. It is also designed to absorb most of the impact and let you do easier exercises till you are ready for more complicated ones. The soft bounce versions are $40 cheaper than the hard bounce models.

Which one is best for you depends on your skill level, weight and how much room you have in your home.

The Needak Comparsion Time

Without a doubt, people want to know how the Needak performs against its competitors. Here are two comparisons to give you some idea of the quality of the Needak rebounder:

#1. Needak rebounder vs Bellicon

Once again it is hard to match the excellence of the Bellicon models. Needak tried but its average rating over 7 independent test shows that it is still a good rebounder. It is just not in Bellicon’s class.

The Needak soft bounce has good bounce to it, good springs, but some side to side movement in the legs. While the springs start out quiet, they do develop noise. Also, Needak equaled Bellicon in the permatron test. The hard bounce reduces the fun factor for Needak

#2. Needak vs Cellerciser

The Needak models provide a better bounce than its Cellerciser competitor for a cheaper price. Both are rated good for people under 40 years of age but they both produce a lot of noise.

Also, the Needak is lighter than Cellerciser and it is comparable when it comes to the folding legs. The spring quality is equal while the Cellerciser springs may break from time to time.

Where to Buy a Needak Rebounder

Like all rebounder manufacturers, Needak has an excellent website where you can purchase their rebounders and accessories. But if you prefer the comfort and security Amazon has to offer, that is another great place to pick up your next rebounder. Check the latest prices on Amazon here >>


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Of course, you can check the big box stores and sporting goods shops but these are the two best places to find the Needak rebounder in stock.

What we liked

Here is what we found to be special about the Needak rebounders:

  • Good weight limit on the hard bounce models
  • Easy to replace springs
  • ​Adjustable stabilizer bar
  • ​Solid construction
  • ​Good stability when in use
  • Folding & non-folding options

What we didn’t like

There were some negatives that did not impress us:

  • Quality of the springs
  • One size diameter fits all
  • ​Low weight capacity for the soft bounce version
  • A basic rebounder

How to Fold a Needak Rebounder

Being able fold your rebounder is an attractive feature. This gives you more storage options and makes it easier to transport to another location. If you are not sure how to fold the Needak rebounder, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Wrap the Velcro cover strings around the cover to keep them away from the hinge

  2. Close the Velcro straps

  3. Turn the rebounder face down and pull the legs up and over the pin, folding them don on the mat

  4. Put your knees on the edge of the rebounder and one hand on the opposite end

  5. Pull the rebounder edge up with your hand

  6. Your left hand should be holding the side of the rebounder near the hinge

  7. Make sure both ends meet and lie flat with ease

Some Final Words

The Needak rebounder is a good piece of exercise equipment. Its inexpensive cost is easy on your pocket book and does not take away any benefits you get from using it. If you cannot afford the more expensive brands, do not worry. You are not missing out on anything with a Needak rebounder.

Plus, you still get top quality accessories like the stabilizing bar. Hopefully after reading this Needak rebounder review you will go and check them out and see how you can benefit from using one. Buy yours here >>

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