Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids

200+ Never Have I Ever Questions for Kids (Funny – Clean)

The “Never have I ever” game is one of the classics when it comes to kids games. The rules are straightforward, and the game is fun for both younger and older children.

If you’ve never played this game, or if you’d like to find some new and interesting questions to ask your friends, you’re in luck!

We’re going to give you a quick run through the rules, and even give you some tips on how to make the game more fun by playing it in different ways.

And that’s not all. We’ll even give you a ton of questions you can use in your game. We’ll even divide them into categories so you can easily pick your favorites.

How to Play "Never Have I Ever" Kids Version

First of all, let’s start by explaining how to play the classic version of the “Never have I ever” game.

Basically, the only thing you need to do is find some friends or family members to play with, and write down some fun questions. Then, one person asks everyone one of the questions on the list. The first person to say that they have done that gets to ask the next question.

The best part of this game is that most of the questions are followed by an interesting story!

If you want to keep it simple, then all you need to do is go through all the questions and listen to some fun stories. However, if you’d like to make the game more interesting, you’ll be happy to know that there are several different ways to play the kids "Never have I ever" game.

Different Ways to Play "Never Have I Ever"

Playing with candy

  • Before you begin, every player needs to place 10 pieces of candy in front of themselves.
  • You can choose who asks the first question by age, or any other way you like.
  • The chosen person asks any “Never have I ever” question they like.
  • The other players have to truthfully answer the question, and if they have done it, then they need to eat a piece of candy.
  • The winner of the game is the person with one or more pieces of candy in the end.

Playing without candy

If you don’t have any candy available, you can still have fun! Instead of choosing the winner by counting the candy, you can simply use your fingers.

  • Each player needs to hold up both hands in front of their face.
  • When they answer the questions, instead of eating candy, they need to put one finger down for each of the things they have done.
  • The person holding one or more fingers in the end is the winner.

Playing with gross food

If you want to up the game, then you should cut up some onions and bring in the broccoli! Why not challenge the players to eat some gross food when they answer a “Never have I ever” question with “I have”?

Broccoli and onions will do just fine, and you can add other gross foods in the mix.

Playing with water balloons

In the summertime, fill up some water balloons and go crazy! The rules are simple; each person takes turn asking “Never have I ever” questions and anyone that answers with “I have” will get a balloon thrown at them!

In this version, everyone is a winner! The water balloon “Never have I ever” is a great way to cool off in the summer.

Remember, this version is only meant to be played outdoors.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

If you’re looking for some fun random questions you can ask the players, you’re going to enjoy just how funny these are. Trust us, they’re bound to make you all crack up with laughter!

Never have I ever secretly given food off my plate to my dog

1. Never have I ever made silly faces at random strangers.

2. Never have I ever tripped and fallen in the middle of the street.

3. Never have I ever hidden food under my bed.

4. Never have I ever written a Christmas letter to Santa Claus.

5. Never have I ever pulled out my loose teeth to get money from the tooth fairy.

6. Never have I ever danced in front of my mirror.

7. Never have I ever prank called a grown-up.

8. Never have I ever been chased by the neighbor's dog.

9. Never have I ever been scared of ghosts after watching a horror movie.

10. Never have I ever wondered what it would be like to be a dog.

11. Never have I ever put on my mother's makeup without her knowing.

12. Never have I ever put an entire spoon of cinnamon in my mouth.

13. Never have I ever gone an entire day without spilling something.

14. Never have I ever woken up to find my pet staring at me.

15. Never have I ever fallen out of bed while I was sleeping.

16. Never have I ever tricked my sibling into taking out the trash instead of me.

17. Never have I ever spilled food on my lap while eating.

18. Never have I ever secretly given food off my plate to my dog.

19. Never have I ever stayed up until 3 AM.

20. Never have I ever pretended to be a grown-up when answering the phone.

21. Never have I ever watched an episode of Teletubbies.

22. Never have I ever tripped on my pet’s tail.

23. Never have I ever pretended the floor was lava.

24. Never have I ever fallen off my bed because I was jumping on it.

25. Never have I ever played jump-rope and fallen flat on my nose.

26. Never have I ever hidden around a corner and scared my pet.

27. Never have I ever had an imaginary friend.

28. Never have I ever secretly eaten some cookie dough, and ended up with a stomach ache.

29. Never have I ever pretended to be a superhero.

30. Never have I ever fallen asleep while reading a book for school.

31. Never have I ever ruined a birthday party by sticking my finger in the cake.

32. Never have I ever talked to myself when I was home alone.

33. Never have I ever accidentally bumped into anything in the street while texting.

34. Never have I ever ruined my hair by cutting it by myself.

35. Never have I ever worn a shirt backward all day without noticing until I got home.

36. Never have I ever made up a secret language with my friends.

37. Never have I ever spun around in my chair and fell over once I got up.

38. Never have I ever spilled juice on my computer.

39. Never have I ever waved to someone in a crowd, only to notice that they’re a complete stranger.

40. Never have I ever pushed a door that was meant to be pulled until someone else opened it for me.

41. Never have I ever tripped while running after a bus.

School Never Have I Ever Questions

If you’re planning on playing with your school friends, then you’ll have a great time asking these funny school questions:

Never have I ever pretended to be sick because of a test

1. Never have I ever been late on the first day of school.

2. Never have I ever pretended to be sick because of a test.

3. Never have I ever prank called the principal.

4. Never have I ever lied to a teacher.

5. Never have I ever gotten lost during a field trip.

6. Never have I ever gotten a bad grade and hidden it from my parents.

7. Never have I ever played hooky from school.

8. Never have I ever worn my slippers to class by accident.

9. Never have I ever tripped in the middle of the school hallway.

10. Never have I ever forgotten my lunch at home.

11. Never have I ever gotten detention for cracking jokes during class.

12. Never have I ever hidden from a bully during recess.

13. Never have I ever played a prank on my best friend at school.

14. Never have I ever embarrassed myself in any way during class.

15. Never have I ever called my parents to pick me up from school.

16. Never have I ever eaten someone else’s lunch while they weren’t looking.

17. Never have I ever written on my school desk.

18. Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework and lied about it.

19. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

20. Never have I ever given a teacher a nickname.

21. Never have I ever made up an excuse to get out of gym class.

22. Never have I ever been late to class and snuck in without getting caught.

23. Never have I ever cried after getting an F on a test.

24. Never have I ever changed a grade on my report card.

25. Never have I ever swapped lunches with a friend.

26. Never have I ever forged my mom’s or dad’s signature on anything.

27. Never have I ever fallen asleep during class.

28. Never have I ever successfully used an excuse to get out of trouble.

29. Never have I ever borrowed a chewed-up pencil from a classmate.

30. Never have I ever drawn something bad on the board before class.

31. Never have I ever chased after the school bus because I overslept.

32. Never have I ever texted my friends during class.

33. Never have I ever given a teacher an apple after class.

34. Never have I ever gotten hit in the face during dodgeball.

35. Never have I ever thrown up in class.

36. Never have I ever fell off my chair during class.

37. Never have I ever snuck out of class without getting caught.

38. Never have I ever successfully called in sick by pretending to be a grown-up.

39. Never have I ever gotten kicked out of class for being too disruptive.

40. Never have I ever turned in a book report late.

41. Never have I ever gone to the bathroom and stayed there until class was over.

42. Never have I ever forgotten to bring something to “show and tell”.

43. Never have I ever fallen asleep during the bus ride to school.

44. Never have I ever successfully turned in a book report without reading the book.

Gross Never Have I Ever Questions

For those of you that like to gross out the other players, take a look at these icky “Never have I ever” questions. Let’s hope you have a strong stomach!

Never have I ever left food in my room until it got moldy.

1. Never have I ever drooled all over my pillow while asleep.

2. Never have I ever stepped in dog poop while in my socks.

3. Never have I ever worn a smelly shirt to school.

4. Never have I ever rolled around in the mud.

5. Never have I ever sneezed all over a stranger.

6. Never have I ever forgotten to wash my hands after using the bathroom.

7. Never have I ever eaten three-day-old pizza.

8. Never have I ever left food in my room until it got moldy.

9. Never have I ever sat in cat pee.

10. Never have I ever forgotten to brush my teeth for several days.

11. Never have I ever picked at my scabs.

12. Never have I ever eaten rotten fruit by accident.

13. Never have I ever had broccoli between my teeth all day.

14. Never have I ever gone out with onion breath.

15. Never have I ever accidentally spit on my shoe.

16. Never have I ever squished a snail with my foot.

17. Never have I ever eaten so much food that I had to throw up.

18. Never have I ever swallowed a big bug.

19. Never have I ever wiped my nose with my sleeve.

20. Never have I ever double-dipped a chip.

21. Never have I ever drank milk that’s gone bad.

22. Never have I ever made a mud pie and tried eating it.

23. Never have I ever eaten cat food or dog food.

24. Never have I ever drank juice straight out of the carton.

25. Never have I ever licked my pet.

26. Never have I ever put a marker up my nose.

27. Never have I ever picked my nose and wiped it on a chair.

28. Never have I ever tried eating raw meat.

29. Never have I ever sneezed in public and had phlegm come out of my mouth.

30. Never have I ever thrown up in my mouth and swallowed it.

31. Never have I ever not taken a bath for a week.

32. Never have I ever peed my pants because I was laughing so hard.

33. Never have I ever licked my sibling's food.

34. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.

35. Never have I ever eaten food after it fell on the ground.

36. Never have I ever eaten mayonnaise from the jar.

37. Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush by accident.

38. Never have I ever eaten a raw egg.

39. Never have I ever let a worm crawl on my arm.

40. Never have I ever wet the bed during a sleepover.

41. Never have I ever dangled my dirty socks in front of someone's nose.

42. Never have I ever thrown up when someone did something gross.

43. Never have I ever laughed so hard while drinking something that the fluid came out of my nose.

Family Never Have I Ever Questions

Now, if you’re looking for some family-friendly fun, take a look at these funny questions. Don’t worry, they won’t get you into too much trouble!

Never have I ever stayed out after school without permission.

1. Never have I ever fed my dog vegetables from my plate.

2. Never have I ever drank milk directly from the carton.

3. Never have I ever blamed my siblings for a mess I made.

4. Never have I ever secretly tried on my mother’s/father’s clothes.

5. Never have I ever borrowed something without asking.

6. Never have I ever pretended to be asleep in order to get out of doing chores.

7. Never have I ever shaved off a family member’s eyebrows while they were asleep.

8. Never have I ever paid a sibling to do my chores.

9. Never have I ever lied to my parents about anything.

10. Never have I ever stayed out after school without permission.

11. Never have I ever prank called one of my parent’s friends.

12. Never have I ever said a bad word in front of my family.

13. Never have I ever flushed the toilet while someone was taking a shower on purpose.

14. Never have I ever walked around the house in muddy shoes.

15. Never have I ever gone out without asking for permission.

16. Never have I ever cheated while playing Monopoly with my family.

17. Never have I ever done something bad and hidden it from my parents.

18. Never have I ever lied about doing my homework.

19. Never have I ever played video games while I was grounded.

20. Never have I ever gotten into a serious fight with a sibling.

21. Never have I ever called anyone a bad word.

22. Never have I ever accidentally locked myself out of my house.

23. Never have I ever accidentally left the refrigerator open and blamed someone else for it.

24. Never have I ever played a dangerous prank on someone.

25. Never have I ever eavesdropped on a private conversation.

26. Never have I ever sneaked a snack before supper.

27. Never have I ever eaten an entire box of ice cream, put it back in the freezer, and pretended I hadn’t eaten it.

28. Never have I ever embarrassed my parents at a store.

29. Never have I ever been yelled at in public.

30. Never have I ever watched something I wasn’t allowed to and hid it from my parents.

Naughty Never Have I Ever Questions

Finally, let’s get to some naughty questions! But be careful, these questions may not be fun to use while you’re playing with your family since you’ll be revealing some not-so-great things you’ve done. However, they’re great to use when you’re playing with your friends at a sleepover!

 Never have I ever put food coloring in my bathwater.

1. Never have I ever snuck out of bed to play video games.

2. Never have I ever hidden broccoli on my plate and thrown it out.

3. Never have I ever read a sibling’s diary.

4. Never have I ever imitated my parents in front of my friends.

5. Never have I ever secretly stayed up late to watch a horror movie.

6. Never have I ever gotten out of doing chores by pretending to be sick.

7. Never have I ever snuck sweets into my room and eaten them all.

8. Never have I ever stayed at a friend’s house without getting permission.

9. Never have I ever eaten cookies before dinner.

10. Never have I ever blamed the dog for a mess I made.

11. Never have I ever kept a secret from my parents.

12. Never have I ever stayed out past my curfew.

13. Never have I ever jumped a railing with my skateboard.

14. Never have I ever taken money from my parent’s wallets.

15. Never have I ever invited friends over without permission.

16. Never have I ever blown bubbles in my juice.

17. Never have I ever spilled something on the floor and blamed someone else.

18. Never have I ever lied to my parents about where I was going.

19. Never have I ever broken my parents' rules just to see what happens.

20. Never have I ever used my parent’s credit cards to order stuff online.

21. Never have I ever teased my siblings until they started to cry.

22. Never have I ever put food coloring in my bathwater.

23. Never have I ever drawn on someone with a permanent marker.

24. Never have I ever cried just to get my way.

25. Never have I ever avoided someone because I thought they were annoying.

26. Never have I ever spent the entire day playing video games.

27. Never have I ever snuck out of the house while I was grounded.

28. Never have I ever lied about my grades so my parents wouldn’t ground me.

29. Never have I ever forgotten to do my homework.

30. Never have I ever eaten the cream from Oreos and put them back in the box.

31. Never have I ever stolen my sibling’s candy on Halloween.

32. Never have I ever tripped someone on purpose.

33. Never have I ever hidden in my room when my Grandparents came to visit.

34. Never have I ever gotten suspended and lied about it.

35. Never have I ever made up an excuse to get out of doing something.

36. Never have I ever spray-painted my pets tail.

37. Never have I ever glued my nostrils together.

38. Never have I ever cut my siblings hair while they were sleeping.

39. Never have I ever secretly drank more than one soda even if I wasn’t supposed to.

40. Never have I ever ignored a call from my parents.

Remember to have fun!

We hope you found our game suggestions useful, and that you’ll enjoy using our “Never have I ever” questions for kids.

The main thing is that no matter what version of this game you choose to play, you’re bound to have a lot of fun. Remember, everyone is a winner!

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