How to Fix a Bent Trampoline Frame or Pole

How to Fix a Bent Trampoline Frame or Pole

Trampolines do cost a fortune, so it’s in everyone’s interest to preserve them as best as possible. However, they are quite prone to damage after frequent use. Additionally, other factors such as harsh weather changes, contact with various chemicals, etc. can also contribute to their degradation. The damage could be anything from a bent trampoline leg to an entire frame.

Therefore, the conclusion is that trampolines do get broken a lot. To be honest, that outcome is inevitable because the manufacturers have no real intention of building their products to last forever. So, what can we do to address the issue? Well, several things come to mind so let’s explore them.

Why Is My Trampoline Warped?

Why Is My Trampoline Warped?

Before we move on to the particulars of the methods that we’ll use to fix the damage, we have to determine its cause. There are a plethora of reasons why there’s a warp or a bend on a trampoline frame.

In most cases, frequent use is the culprit. We have to consider the fact that trampolines have to withstand a lot of pressure and impact. Depending on the quality of the brand, the entire structure can get loose or even collapse entirely. Additionally, one of the springs might snap which will weaken the structure. As a result, we have a bent trampoline frame or a leg.

In other cases, leaving the trampoline exposed to harsh weather conditions such as extreme cold, thunderstorms, and hot days for too long might break them as well.

Can You Repair a Bent Trampoline?

One might think that the damage is irreversible, but we assure our readers that that’s not the case. If the damage is not too extreme (to the point where it’s beyond repair), almost anything can be fixed.

Bent trampoline pipes can be easily bent back into shape with a little bit of know-how and the right tools. Furthermore, we can strengthen the weak points in the structure by adding additional elements to it. For example, we can attach a metal pole and fix it to a portion of the trampoline leg, etc. Also, we can replace smaller parts such as springs and screws with better ones.

Should the Trampoline Legs Bend While Jumping on It?

Should the Trampoline Legs Bend While Jumping on It?

Now, this is an important question, and we believe that it’s a good indicator of the trampoline shape. The answer is simply no. The legs of the trampoline should never bend while you jump on it. That only confirms that there’s a weak spot in the structural integrity of the trampoline. Therefore, the structure won’t be able to hold together under a heavy load, and it’s likely to deform or break.

However, there might be some brands that incorporate shock absorbers and buffers into the legs of the trampoline. Quite frankly, we don’t know many of those, so we’ll stick to our answer.

How to Fix Bent Trampoline Frame

We have to agree that fixing a bent trampoline frame is kind of tricky, but possible. There are two ways to go about this. The first one is actually trying to bend back certain parts of the frame while the second one is to replace them.

Bending Back the Bent Parts

Bending back the frame to shape can be extremely risky because there’s a chance for the pipe to snap completely. We’ll have to use clamps or some kind of a squeezer tool to apply pressure to it and bend it back. It’s important to maintain constant pressure and look for any cracks and seams as we go.

If a crack appears, it means that the frame pole is likely to snap, so it’s no use to go any further. In that case, we should proceed to replace it entirely.

If we manage to bend the pole back to shape, we have to consider the fact that it won’t be perfect. It’s still liable to bend again because the material’s been weakened already.

Replacing the Bent Parts of the Frame

If we suppose that there’s a bent somewhere around the main pipe of the enclosure, it’s best to replace that part. How do we do this?

The first thing to do is to remove all the springs that hold the pipe in place to remove tension. When that’s done, it’s safe to cut off the bent part of the frame pipe and make some room for a replacement one.

We’ll have to determine the exact circumference of the frame pipe and find a replacement that can fit into it.

How to Straighten a Bent Trampoline Pole

How to Straighten a Bent Trampoline Pole

Trampoline poles are essentially smaller versions of the ones on the frame, so we can approach them in the same way. We can still use a squeezer tool or an adjustable spanner to force it into its old shape, or we can use a sleeve tube. What do we mean by this?

Well, a sleeve tube is a tube that’s slightly larger in girth, and it should fit over the bent tube. If the angle of the bend isn’t too great, we can try sliding the sleeve tube to the point where a bend is. After we do that, we can hammer it down and see whether the bent pole starts straightening up.

The Bottom Line

A trampoline is not something that we can leave in our backyard and expect everything to be fine. We should always consider the fact that a trampoline is a product, and like any other product, it won’t last forever. However, we can prolong its lifespan by performing regular maintenance. That, of course, means that we’ll have to invest some time into it but it’ll definitely pay off.

We also hope that we were able to show our readers how to fix a warped trampoline by using the above methods. It would mean a great deal to us if you could share the article with your friends and leave us a comment. We’re always interested in what you have to say, and we value your opinion!

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