Rebounding in a Pool Does a Trampoline Work Underwater

Rebounding in a Pool: Does a Trampoline Work Underwater?

Oh yes, trampolines work underwater!

Remember how as a kid you wouldn’t want to get off the trampoline because it was too much fun? It turns out that as an adult, you can still keep having fun on it, and even underwater at that.

When I was first introduced to the concept of rebounding in a pool, I could only imagine the adrenaline rush of working out underwater.

We all know how water fitness all the rage nowadays, and let me tell you that it’s all for the right reason.

A 30-minute rebounding session in water is equivalent to a two-hour walk on land. That’s true! Water resistance offers a great opportunity for body sculpting and muscle toning.

It also cools the body during exercising, which helps reduce stress on the heart and the risk of injury by lessening the impact on weight-bearing joints, bones, and muscles.

So you all must be like, “Alright, I get the drill of aqua fitness benefits. But how can one rebound on a trampoline underwater?”

Sure, let me tell you how.

How Does an Underwater Trampoline Work?

How Does an Underwater Trampoline Work

An underwater trampoline is completely different from an on-land trampoline.

A child’s mini trampoline is lightweight with small springs, whereas underwater rebounders are heavily weighted with big muscle-shaped springs which provide a strong bounce. It also has four suction-cup feet so it can firmly stick to swimming pool floors.

The trampoline absorbs the pressure of your body as you push down, but water resistance makes it very hard to jump high. While rebounding on an underwater trampoline, you constantly fight against water resistance, and thus, get all the benefits of the water buoyancy.

Clearly, it’s a perfect combination of fun and intensive cardio workout.

In fact, a high-quality underwater trampoline can be used in many combinations with other training aids, such as therabands, sticks, weights, dumbbells, or pool-noodles. It can also be used as an aquatic stepper.

Who Would Benefit the Most from Rebounding on an Underwater Trampoline?

Who Would Benefit the Most from Rebounding on an Underwater Trampoline

The good news is that there is no limit to rebounding. Anybody can do it — it’s fitting for all ages, genders, and levels of fitness. The only exception here are the pregnant ladies. But rebounding can help re-tone those inner muscles after the pregnancy period is over.

It’s a high-intensity workout with the ultimate low impact and also makes you feel completely content after the workout session. After all, it’s a victory over gravity, even though only momentarily.Also, rebounding releases more endorphins than any other forms of exercise.

Of course, as with any exercise routine, I would recommend that you consult with your trainer or doctor first.

What Are the Benefits of Rebounding in a Swimming Pool?

What Are the Benefits of Rebounding in a Swimming Pool

Aside from the fact that it makes you feel like a kid again, you’re more likely to actually keep doing it. Trust me, once you start bouncing on an underwater trampoline, you won’t want to stop.

And it’s so efficient that only 15 to 20 mins workout is enough to get a seriously good workout. No more straining your body for hours at the gym.

Let us look at the four best reasons to rebound underwater. Shall we?

1. Improves Your Balance

Rebounding is good for improving balance and the ability to sense body positions. It allows the muscles to go through a full range of motions at equal force, and also help people to learn to shift their weight properly.

2. Builds Your Strength

When you’re rebounding, you force your body to work against gravity, which applies stress to your bones and strengthens them.

The best part of rebounding is that it has a very low impact; it’s gentler on our joints, vertebrae, and cartilage. Thus, people with bone mineral loss can still exercise on a rebounder without exasperating their conditions.

3. Reduces Your Stress

One of the advantages of rebounding on an underwater trampoline is that it helps clear your mind and reduce tension.

Light bouncing increases the blood flow to underused muscles and helps loosen the overused ones. It also releases endorphin hormones in our body which automatically makes us feel good.

It’s amazing how just a few minutes of bouncing can actually make a huge difference for our health and happiness.

4. Strengthens Your Pelvic Floor

For those who don’t know, a pelvic floor is a group of muscles which is responsible for controlling the bladder, stabilizing the hip joints, enhancing orgasms, and connecting to the core.

Studies have shown that rebounding can help rebuild the healthy tone in your pelvic floor and core. So if you suffer from bladder control while sneezing, coughing, or even laughing, rebounding can be an excellent place to start working on your pelvic muscles.

Of course, if you suffer from severe urinary incontinence, it’s advisable to consult your doctor first.

5. Other Benefits

5. Other Benefits

There are numerous benefits associated with rebounding on a trampoline. In essence, it can help:

  • Increase your respiratory capacity
  • Boost your immunity
  • Circulate more oxygen to your muscle tissue
  • ​Reserve bodily strength and physical efficiency
  • Improve the flow of bioenergy throughout your body.

My Final Thoughts

For me, rebounding in the pool is really fun.

And when you find something fun, you like to do it more often. While I’m busy bouncing on an underwater pool trampoline, it takes my mind away from all the troubles and issues of the day. Not to exaggerate, but I feel like a kid again.

So don’t hesitate to jump into the pool and have a great time working out on an underwater trampoline. Let the craze of water fitness engulf you too!

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