Migraine or Headache After Trampoline Jumping 4 Reasons Why

Migraine or Headache After Trampoline Jumping: 4 Reasons Why

Trampolines are supposed to be a good thing. You lose weight, get into better shape, feel much better about yourself, so what's there not to like? Unfortunately, some people don't always get a feel good after a trampoline workout. Their time on a trampoline leaves them with migraines and headaches.

In this article we will explore the reasons why you and others have headaches after jumping on a trampoline. We will also talk about how to avoid those moments when your head feels worse than a split watermelon.

Why Do I Get a Headache When I Jump on the Trampoline?


Let’s not waste any time and get to the heart of the issue. Exercise, even trampoline workouts release endorphins, extra blood to your brain and relaxes muscles. If you are suffering from headaches or migraines then there are other reasons that may be causing them.

  1. You may be dehydrated - even if you are drinking the recommended 8 glasses +/- a day your trampoline exercise may still dehydrate you and cause you to have a headache

  2. Blood sugar levels - trampoline exercises may lower your blood sugar levels. The result of this is a tough headache you have to deal with

  3. High blood pressure - this situation may not ease up until you are months into your exercise program. So you can expect some headaches after trampoline workouts

  4. Tight muscles - not just any where on your body but in your chest, neck and shoulders specifically.

Can Trampoline Cause Migraines?


Fortunately, there is a negative answer to this question. Trampolines do not cause migraines. In fact, doctors do not exactly know what does cause these painful headaches or why they last for so long.

One of the causes doctors thought caused migraines was a change in blood flow. Since trampolines help stimulate blood flow, they could have been thought of causing a headache. But doctors have changed their minds and feel there re flaws in the brain that make migraines come and go.

What doctors are sure of is that migraines are usually an inherited trait and if one member of the family gets them, then others in the same family will suffer from them.

What You Need to Know About Trampolines and Migraines

Headaches and migraines after trampoline work outs and other exercise routines are often called exertion headaches. Even Children get headaches after using the trampoline because of the exertion they do while they exercise.

After getting a headache children may vomit, have light sensitivity and so on. The good news for adults as well as children is that these trampoline headaches do not last a long time. Up to 20 hours in one bad stretch.

While trampolines may not be the cause for migraines, they can trigger them because of the exertion, the loss of fluids and other reasons. Headaches can come when trampolining. It is not just something that happens after you are done your exercises.

How To Treat Headaches & Migraines After Trampoline Workouts

If you start to feel a headache or a migraine coming on after you are finished or during your trampoline time, there are steps you can take to treat the pain. You do not have to don a stiff upper lip attitude and suffer in silence.

Here are a few recommended treatments you can use:

Over the counter medication - you know, pop a few aspirins or similar medications you can get without a prescription

Nausea medication - if you are suffering fro a migraine, this will help relieve some symptoms and pain

Other medication - usually called preventive medicine, these prescription pills can be blood pressure medicine, seizure medication, antidepressants, and so on. As k your doctor to get more information and medical options

Biofeedback - this may help you see the stress in your current situation and give you steps to take to stop the migraine before it gets severe.

How To Avoid Headache After Trampoline


While most of these avoidance steps refer to children, adults should be able to use them. The same situations can cause trampoline headaches in adults as well as children

  1. Watch where you train - hot temperatures and high altitudes can bring on these headaches. Of course, some people can’t avoid these geographical conditions

  2. Get plenty of fluids - water or even good, healthy sports drinks should keep you hydrated as you work out

  3. Warming up is necessary - you need to stretch and relax your muscles and a good warm up exercise or time will be beneficial in avoiding headaches

  4. Cut the impact workouts - by this we mean stop your jogging movements that jar your body and brain. Go for less impact exercises

  5. Yoga may help - the different poses and exercises should help keep the migraines and headaches away

  6. Take medication - not after your workout when the headache as already arrived but about 2 to 3 hours prior to your exercise time take some sort of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication

  7. Get plenty of rest - usually this comes after the headache or migraine have arrived on the scene but lots of rest may help you ease stress and relax your muscles

Some Final Comments

It is important that you do not throw your trampoline away just because you are getting headaches or migraines after you workout on it. Trampolines are not the cause of these painful conditions.

Look for other sources and check your workout routine to see if you are getting enough water, doing your warm ups correctly, or your blood sugar levels are not where they should be.

Also the good news is that not every one will suffer from headaches or migraines when they use or have finished using their trampoline. If you are one of those who do not then be grateful. They are not fun to endure.

Migraines are an inherited affliction. One of your parents or grandparents may have suffered from them, Once yo know the source, you can take the appropriate steps to avoid them and keep using your trampoline.

Contracting headaches and migraines are not a good reason to stop your exercising.

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