Can You Jump on a Trampoline While on Your Period

Can You Jump on a Trampoline While on Your Period?

When it comes to trampolines, it’s safe to say that not only are they a lot of fun, but they are also fantastic for exercise. However, one thing has always troubled women, and it has to do with how their bodies naturally work - periods.

One look at any trampoline and most women are left wondering whether they can actually use them while on their period. Still, the Internet hasn’t given them all the answers - until now.

Can you use a trampoline while on your period?

Can you use a trampoline while on your period

Technically, yes. However, there are many factors we need to consider.

First of all, one thing will be inevitable. If one decides to jump on a trampoline while on their period, their period is bound to become a lot heavier. The reason is simple - the constant movement and the jumping up and down will have an influence on all our bodily fluids, including the period.

Thus, if we want to use a trampoline even though we’re on a period, we’ll have to prepare. Just a tampon will not do! Women should add a pad as well, just in case. Moreover, comfortable clothes are a must, as the continuous jumping up and down could even lead to cramping. So if women want to avoid trouble, they should ensure their underwear is large enough and comfy for risk-free trampolining!

Is it bad to jump on a trampoline while on your period?

Is it bad to jump on a trampoline while on your period

Although it’s not the best choice out there, we cannot say that trampolining on a period is a bad thing. However, if a woman suffers from really bad and painful periods, there’s not a doubt in our minds that she won’t be comfortable at all while trampolining.

When they’re on their period, most women prefer lying in bed and waiting for the pain to stop. This isn’t a good idea either, as the period might not flow at all in that case - gravity won’t let it.

Still, jumping for hours and hours on a trampoline is not the best case scenario either, as the period might start flowing really fast. A sudden loss of blood is never a good thing (and periods don’t normally lead to that). Moreover, if that happens, a woman might start to feel dizzy and nauseous.

Can I go to a trampoline park when on my period?

Can I go to a trampoline park when on my period

Of course! Just because one has a period, it doesn’t mean they’re suffering from some grave illness. If the period feels quite normal, i.e., there are no cramps, etc., then it’s perfectly fine for a woman to go to a trampoline park and have a little fun.

The only thing she might have to worry about is any potential leaks. If a woman is prone to having those, then it’s best to confine her movements to small jumps only. That way, the natural flow of the period won’t be too disturbed. What’s more, it would be best if women could make sure there were no leaks, i.e., wear comfortable, all-encompassing underwear.

In any case, small jumps probably won’t lead to any embarrassing moments at all. In fact, they just might help the women end their period a bit earlier.

Does jumping on a trampoline make your period come faster?

Does jumping on a trampoline make your period come faster?

Ah, one of the most burning questions women have ever asked Google to answer!

Technically, any sort of strenuous exercise could lead to a period coming faster and ending sooner. That’s why most women actually like to exercise while on their period (if they don’t have cramps) - it drives Aunt Flo away!

However, one shouldn’t rely on this, as everybody is different. Some bodies respond to this type of exercise well and the period ends after just a few days. Others simply cannot do any workouts because of all those cramps!

In the end, the best way to find out if jumping on a trampoline will make the period come faster is to jump! If we prepare well and we wear comfortable clothing, then we can even make trampolining on a period a bit of an experiment.

One thing is for sure - there’s no reason why women should avoid trampolines when their monthly friend visits them. It’s not a disease nor is it something to be ashamed of. Moreover, most women handle it pretty well, and in any case, exercising helps curb its bad symptoms!

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